Is Dental Bridge for Me?
Long-lasting benefits of dental bridges
A missing tooth or teeth can leave us feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable. A dental bridge is a great way get your smile looking and feeling normal again, but it also offers long term benefits for your other teeth and the bone health of your mouth. To sum it up, here are the advantages of a dental bridge:
These are the obvious advantages because they affect us right now. Feel and look normal again. Smile and eat with confidence and get back the smile you know and love. Missing teeth just don’t feel great and sometimes gaps make it difficult or painful to speak or eat. Dental bridges are a long-lasting solution to discomfort caused by missing teeth – more than ten years with proper care.
Tooth health
Your teeth support each other and contribute to your facial structure. Missing teeth can alter your bite and leave space for other teeth to shift around. A dental bridge blocks teeth from shifting around reducing the risk of decay, periodontal disease, jaw pain and TMJ disorder caused by rogue teeth.
Bone health
Healthy, stable teeth encourage healthy jawbones. As our dental health diminishes so does the health of bone and tissues that support our teeth. Stabilizing your dental health with a dental bridge will slow the rate of bone loss from your missing teeth.
How Much Is A Dental Bridges in South Aurora
Contact us today
to schedule an initial consultation & exam.
Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.
Frequently Asked Questions
A bridge uses adjacent teeth for support, while an implant is anchored directly into the jawbone.
Usually, two visits are needed: one for preparing the abutments and taking impressions, and another for fitting the bridge.
Bridges can restore the ability to chew properly. Initially, you may need to start with soft foods, gradually returning to your normal diet.
After a brief adjustment period, most people find dental bridges comfortable and similar to natural teeth in function.
Yes, replacing missing teeth with a bridge can help improve speech clarity that might have been affected.
With proper care and maintenance, dental bridges can last 10-15 years or even longer.